rapunzel said:
If good friends fell from the sky like raindrops,
I'd turn my umbrella upside down and have
all that I need.
But friends do not come to us that way,
instead they shoot up through the ground
from a tiny seed of common interest, are
cultivated with good times and grow into a
beautiful flower to enjoy that continues to
bloom as long as it is cared for.
These flowers of friendship are gathered into
a fragrant bouquet that enhances the world
around us and are meant to be enjoyed by
ourselves as well as to bring cheer or
comfort to others.
Like flowers, friendships also go through changes,
sometimes they are allowed to die, but if you
care for them well and tend them with a gentle
touch, they will continue to build roots in new
places and bloom for years of enjoyment.
When you have found a friend such as this,
you will know by the beauty and fragrance that
surrounds your life and it will spread like
beautiful wildflowers to enrich all of us.
miss universe said:so precious and rare,
is the forever friendship
the two of us share.
Planted with kindness,
it's warmed by the sun
of caring and sharing,
laughter and fun.
It's grounded in trust
and nurtured by love,
with a sprinkling of grace
from God up above.
Tears of sadness and joy,
like dew, renew this friendship
I share with you.
And in the heart's garden,
we find the room to be ourselves,
to grow and bloom.
A blessing of beauty unsurpassed,
our friendship's a flower
that will always last.
eshajam said:It's getting late
and I can't sleep...
it's all your fault
for chosing me.
I like you so bad,
I don't knw what to do
I'm spending all my time
missing you.
When were together
it's so hard to part,
I can't let go...
you stole my heart.
I lie awake...
picturing you in my head,
wondering if your thinking of me too
cuz I'm always missing you
eshajam said:Though our love has come and gone
I still love you with all my heart
I understand I treated you wrong
And I might not ever have you back
But I’ll go through life wishing I would of changed
You gave me chances to correct my mistakes
And I failed you once more
Now I wish you would stay
To help me fix my ways
But for now all I can say is…
Good bye my love, my dear sweet love
Maybe one day, someday, our paths may cross again
And we can be together once more
Until then, with out you, my life my not began
So I will love you always
I will always be wishing and praying
And loving and missing
The one that got away
So my true love
This is were it ends for now, so…
Till we meet again
eshajam said:Its not till it happens
That you final realise
The pain that comes
From these eyes
The shivering cries
Of an un-settled child
Bleeding in you ears
As you see the pain within
As you watch him put on a smile
Saying he is alright
As he run around for food
All through the night
His family are cooking
The boys favourite meal;
Plain wheat or barley
With a glass of cold muddy water
hes not on his own
At night he sleeps with his family
As they only have one bed
To fit 4 people
There are to many children
Like this young lad
Craving only the smallest thing
Like a childes toy
As you read this think
Help stop poverty today
dont jus watch and layback..!!!
~CHANDNI~ said:
rapunzel said:AUR LAYO
rapunzel said:Since I met you
I have been so happy
except that I find
myself worrying all the time -
worrying that I might disappoint you
worrying that our relationship might end
worrying that you might not be happy
worrying that something might happen to you
I have fallen in love with you
and I guess I worry so much
because I care about you so much